It's Growing Season
Marketing dollars should multiply your return:
Generate more trackable calls leading to
more service orders completed
and bigger happier crews in new service trucks

Landscaping companies typically suffer because of the ‘slow months.’ Payroll doesn’t stop and overhead never takes a break.
Wouldn't you like to find steady business and keep growing. So, what have you tried so far?

You’re noticing other companies always outrank you on Google - so they snatch up the customers before they even come across your listing. How can you beat the big guys with the deep pockets?

Most of the big ‘landscaping’ marketers batch their leads and send them to multiple companies. One lead might be sold to 20 landscapers. Are you interested in trying something more personalized that really works?
other marketing firms offer lots of promises, deliver few results,
but somehow...
the monthly billing doesn't stop!
It doesn’t have to be that way.
You’ve found an answer -
A way to turn your phones on and start a way to get more leads delivered to you
and ONLY you.
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Wouldn’t it be nice to have TOO MUCH WORK?
You could focus on growing your business:
turning the phones on should lead to completed service orders and that means your staff will stay busy, and steadily add crew members and trucks to the fleet
and perhaps you'll buy that new truck for your promoted crew leader.
It's true: a growing client base does all that!
Your marketing needs to make you money - a multiplied return. Using a tailored approach, your lawn care company can thrive. More employees who are better paid are the result of great leads. How do we turn phones on for our clients? We do all of the following.
Check out all these tools we use everyday
Here's how you get moving:
- Download our Free Guide on Owning a Neighborhood
- Find out in 10-15 minutes if we are a good fit.
- IF it looks good, our account agent will get You situated and moving into marketing.
It really is that easy.
Now, you may be thinking to yourself....
So they snatch up the customers before they even come across your listing. How can you beat the big guys with the deep pockets?
- That's going to be way too expensive! I'm a small company. I can barely stay ahead of the expense column as it is! They're going to want big financial commitments for long contracts.
- When you consider that hired marketing is SUPPOSED to make you multiples on your allocated spend, 'expensive' just doesn't make sense anymore.A 7x or 22x or 40x provable return on a few thousand bucks a month starts to feel rather wonderful. Marketing money is supposed to send you unique leads that convert to finished tickets and paid invoices.That means revenue goals met and that new crew-cab you've had your eye on.
- Marketers are all talk. They'll let me down, take advantage of me because I don't talk their language, and whatever ROI they're pushing is probably just made up.
- 'The numbers' don't lie. Every month you'll get an 'easy-to-understand' report and a phone call with someone in our shop that will show you - step by step - how your budget performed that month.
If we aren't bringing you real value, then we wouldn't feel right about extending a contract. You'll be able to see the value or we will part ways.
- 'The numbers' don't lie. Every month you'll get an 'easy-to-understand' report and a phone call with someone in our shop that will show you - step by step - how your budget performed that month.
- Marketing is my job as a leader in the company. If a marketing outfit took over, I don't know what I would do with myself!
- Well, we won't stop you! In fact, handing over the marketing to a team that stays up to date on the most effective ways to drive leads to your business, means you get to do more of what you love doing: making connections in the community, dove hunting, or more road trips.
Highly Recommended

A. Taylor
“Your crew is amazing. I’ve been very pleased with everyone I’ve dealt with. It’s refreshing to know that there are companies, other than what I hope mine is, that care about customer service. So many service companies focus on money more than service and that always results in headaches.”

Fidelis is Awesome
Can we talk about how awesome the Fidelis Team is?
During our Brainstorm / IDS meeting today, I was so appreciative of the perspective and creative energy you guys brought to the table. It really built up my excitement for what we’re trying to build
The language you came up with about our products and services really resonated and pumped me up.
Thanks to the whole team for your work behind the scenes of strategizing campaigns, designing graphics, crafting messaging, and cleaning up our mess of analytics accounts.
Stefan QuartemontPresident - Qrew Tech
J. Quintana
“Real talent and real dedication to getting the messaging, branding, imaging…all of it…right! I love working with this group. They are genuine, attentive, and patient collaborators. True to their name, Fidelis will always do well by it’s customers.”
D. Flint
“What comes to mind when thinking about my experience with Fidelis? Happiness… with the process of developing creative vision, producing the materials that match the vision, and working with people who can be trusted to do the right things.”
A. Seibert
“All I can say is WOW! We are speechless. Brought tears to my eyes. Phenomenal job!! You guys are the best!”

With That ROI You Can’t Go Wrong!
Y’all are doing a great job. I love having all these metrics and break downs. Looks like we just need to keep increasing marketing spend. With that ROI you can’t go wrong!
Daniel ThompsonOwner- Thompson & Son's

We have a New Brand that Reflects Who We Are- and are PROUD to use!
We are so happy with what Fidelis created for us. These guys (and gals) really care about getting to know their clients and creating something that truly represents their clients’ company. We now have a new brand for our business that reflects who we are and that we are proud to use! The logo they made for us is something I never could have come up with on my own, and it is truly unique. Mark & Samantha were our primary contacts during the design process, and they were so enjoyable and easy to work with. We also did their branding workshop, which was really eye-opening in figuring out our voice as a company, and helped us make a game plan for our branding & marketing. We look forward to using Fidelis again in the future for additional design and marketing needs. They went above and beyond to make sure we were thrilled with the final product, and we are!
Renee HogueCo-Owner

Everybody is Talking About Our New Look!
“We have had so many compliments on the Salon! Everybody is talking about our new look, the website, and how amazing the video is. The buzz is out, and they’re all talking about it!”
Catwalk Hair StudioBusiness

Worth Getting it All Right
“I’m really happy with all of this…the animated logo makes me giddy! I can absolutely see a family opening their curriculum and seeing that intro! I thought I was being too picky, but then seeing it all come together in the brand manual made me realize that it was worth getting it all right. Thank you so much for all of your hard work on this.”
Oh. My. Word.Business

Winning Concept
“I constantly am giving ya’ll credit as being a great company to work with. I am serving the same food as my other restaurants and have never won ‘best restaurant’ but we won it with this concept. That’s all you guys.”