Our Community is Full of Heroes – Here Are a Few of Them
2019 is our first year to shoot media for the Down Syndrome Association, and we probably had more fun on this dreary Saturday afternoon than the participants did. We knew that ‘superheroes’ would be the theme, but we couldn’t have anticipated how enthusiastic, sweet, and loving these young people treated one another and our media team. As it turns out, their genuine warmth is their actual superpower! There are some fantastic – even heroic – members of our community. Those who support the Downs Syndrome Association of the Brazos Valley are investing where it counts: in people.
So, we interviewed the ‘heroes’ to get a sense of who they admire and what motivates them to be powerful forces in their daily lives. These community members had so much to share. They were thrilled to be in front of the cameras, and you can see they each embraced their roles — they transformed into their characters immediately. The interviewees provided us with great images and heart-warming footage — the raw materials our motion graphics team would need to create the special effects shots for the video.
We especially wish to thank the BrewerEyeingtonPatout CPA firm for giving us access to their facility. As a result, we were happy to be part of this project and can’t wait to show it off in the next few weeks. We hope you are inspired by these wonderful folks and will participate in next year’s gala event when it is announced on the DSABV website.
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