Adam Saenz teaches people how to think beyond the ordinary, so we felt his new message needed new terminology.
You may have seen this gentleman, Adam Saenz, playing guitar downtown last Saturday night. Or maybe you’ve seen him tooling around the city in his meticulously restored vintage red truck with wooden sideboards. You might know about his counseling practice, picked up his books, or seen him addressing a crowded arena. There’s no telling —he truly is a Renaissance man. All of these great interests/ idiosyncrasies combine to make Adam the man he is and it’s probably the secret that keeps the cool kids paying attention when he speaks to a class. When Fidelis talks about Adam, we just call him a long-time friend.
In January 2018, Adam launched his new and improved brand with fresh media. Right away, Fidelis had a firm grasp of what makes Adam unique. See, if Adam was a cocktail (and he isn’t a mixed drink at all folks, that’s just a fun metaphor) he would be 1 oz. academic, 1 oz. psychologist, 1 oz. pastor/life coach, with a dash of blue-collar-South-Texas tattooed street-brawler just to keep it interesting!
Adam had been spending more and more time as a public speaker and his range of audiences was expanding as well; he wasn’t only speaking to educators. The private sector was paying attention to Adam and booking him to address a range of team culture issues. He needed some messaging assistance and a better visual presence. So Fidelis partnered with Adam to get him set-up to own a unique sector in the market.
The challenge was to find a way to characterize what Adam does — to find a unifying theme across his research, his passion, and the next great book he is developing. It became clear that he was primarily concerned with building healthy relationships and cultivating cultures that thrive. His mind constantly develops and critiques the systems he encounters, so in some ways he approaches problems with a strategy for building — like an architect. Through brainstorming strategy sessions, we realized that Adam is pushing into a field that might be best characterized as “cultural architecture.” He thinks about his research in unusual ways and is building a team of assistants who will help him develop this newly forming structural analysis. A unique enterprise needed a unique description. And so it began….
Check out his NEW brand/message/website.
Fidelis definitely learned something from our time with Adam: Adam has the guts to walk right around the typical structures of thinking and do something different. Although he is very relaxed and personable, he is audacious and confident enough to chart his own course and push into new territory. We like that; it inspires us. The old way is just the old way, it isn’t necessarily the best way forward.
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